Instrumental and Vocal Lessons with
Rotherham Music
Instrumental and vocal lessons are offered at schools and colleges in Rotherham. We provide a range of lesson options on a variety of instruments to enable children and young people to find the musical experience best suited to them.
Rotherham Music has a dedicated and well qualified team of instrumental teachers who teach in Rotherham schools. All our teachers have a full enhanced DBS check and most are qualified at least to degree level with many years of teaching experience between them.
Tuition is normally given in school either in whole class groups (First Access) and larger groups (Progression), or in small group and individual lessons. First Access lessons are funded by the school with subsidy from Rotherham Music and there is no charge to parents. For all other lessons there is likely to be a charge; these charges may vary from school to school.
The images on this page show which families of instruments Rotherham Music can offer to schools. Parents should contact their child’s school for full details of the instrumental music provision including instruments offered and cost of tuition.
​Students may hire an instrument from us if receiving lessons from a Rotherham Music teacher, at no extra cost for the first year of tuition and then £10 per year after the first year. We have a large stock of good quality instruments. Where appropriate, for example with stringed instruments, there are smaller sizes to enable younger pupils to have an instrument that they can play comfortably.

Our hub partners Music in the Round have got some fantastic videos on their YouTube channel that offer introductions to different instruments, as well as songs and activities that teachers can use in the classroom. Check out a selection of the videos below, or visit their YouTube page by clicking here.
Meet the Clarinet
Meet the French Horn
Nursery Rhyme - Mathematics
Meet the Violin
Meet the Piano
Nursery Rhyme - Colours